Can Elizabeth Warren escape condemnation from the people she serves best?

Daniel Louis Duncan
4 min readOct 16, 2018


So..democrats are going to make Elizabeth Warren’s good, yet probably flawed, intentions be the deciding factor of her viability for office, while we have ZERO viable candidates below 70’s in age and progressive representation with anywhere near her credentials coming forward for this office?

We need to be making vital decisions about how to win against the worst attack on our country’s well-being. Democrats have always been best at harming themselves while Republicans watch, mock, and marvel at the ability for the left to shoot itself in the foot. Can we stop splitting hairs, look at intent, and the fallibility of humans? Give them opportunity to show worth before condemnation?

I am mostly white, I also have Native blood, 7 generations back which gives me a small percentage in the DNA. Yet two, probably three of my 7th, 8th, and 9th great, grandfathers were Chiefs, proven in historical documents. That really doesn’t mean crap…but how much is enough to allow me to honor that heritage, study it, and learn without being accused of diluting the indigenous movement? That discovery for me was definitive in my pursuit of historical study, of historical connections to the past, of trips to the tribal area in Virginia to stand on the land. Why doesn’t this not serve the indigenous population? I also have a very small trace of West African. This should show us how diverse and “one” that we all are than not. I don’t want to claim tribal affiliation. I don’t want to tell my Black friends I’m one of them. But, I do believe the discovery is a great tool for learning and understanding connections, NOT differences, if we chose respect.

People that want to know their DNA want to embrace heritage. I believe that is a wonderful thing and only helps all of the diversity and connections to Indigenous, Black, and Hispanic lineages, cultures, and distinctions. It’s extremely rare for anyone to take a DNA test to prove tribal membership, thus, why many tribes do not recognize DNA as a test of proven tribal connection. It’s VERY complicated and I am both critical and understanding of both stances. Who decides the line in the sand? How much is enough blood? Why do we draw such exclusionary lines in the sand if tribal membership is not the goal? Why do we have such a need to belong to a group?

Native sovereignty is crucial right now, thus the urgency to defend and protect. But, these are valid questions that many have no immediate answers, but are contemplative in nature, which can get us better answers, better human interaction, better movement forward….

We have no evidence that Elizabeth Warren has done anything intentionally malicious, yet she is being skewered as such. I believe she’s damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t here. ALL while we have a definitive person who is malicious, calculating, and damaging to our country beyond anything that has ever happened in our US history.

PLEASE, let’s not go on this divisive divide that will do more harm than good. Native American, Black American, Hispanic American, Gender non-conforming American, and women’s rights are our biggest issues right now for good reason. The US population is getting very near the best melting pot of representation than ever before. But, these growing pains are happening while racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate of “un-whiteness” is at a peak. The stew is a boiling and we have a lot on our plate. I want to let the Warren thing go. She took the test, she has native DNA just like many of us do going far back. Warren has asked for the million dollar bet to go to helping a Native charity. I believe this was about the best she could do…

The important part of this issue is her being a woman and being attacked by Trump. The context is important. If she is to run for President, she had to address it. Trump and his minions would not let it go.

Take all the information in…do we chuck out Elizabeth Warren and hold her to a higher standard than anyone else on the table? Is this a killer for her history of efforts on our citizens behalf which she has a terrific record for service especially going up against big money? I was not happy with many things she didn’t do last go around. I’m not campaigning for her, but I’m campaigning for “US” to get Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Lindsay Graham, Chuck Grassley, Nut Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Kirstjen Nielsen, Betsy DeVos, Brett Kavanaugh, etc, etc, etc…as far away from our government as possible.

Can we achieve this by using the same tactics of division, lack of unity, that got us Trump in the first place? As liberal people how do we learn to defeat the tribalism of the right, move forward with more inclusively, know what we will be asked to compromise on, and pick our battles carefully, yet justly?

“Eye on the Prize” could not be more vital than it is today. There is too much at stake right now. These are pivotal historic times that will literally shape the future for better of worse. We have worse. It’s time to try “better”….

None of us will be allowed to be complacent.

My $.02



Daniel Louis Duncan
Daniel Louis Duncan

Written by Daniel Louis Duncan

Writer, researcher, lover of history, philosophy, politics and critical thought

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