James Baldwin’s words are sickles of Justice, inescapable truths profoundly stated in Historical scars of the past
Scream his name from the rooftops! He IS that important! His words are sickles of justice, inescapable truths profoundly stated in historical scars of the past. Daniel Louis Duncan
Unnameable Objects, Unspeakable Crimes
“I have often wondered, and it is not a pleasant wonder, just what white Americans talk about with one another. I wonder this because they do not, after all, seem to find very much to say to me, and I concluded long ago that they found the color of my skin inhibitory. This color seems to operate as a most disagreeable mirror, and a great deal of one’s energy is expended in reassuring white Americans that they do not see what they see. This is utterly futile, of course, since they do see what they see. And what they see is an appallingly oppressive and bloody history, known all over the world. What they see is a disastrous, continuing, present, condition which menaces them, and for which they bear an inescapable responsibility. But since, in the main, they appear to lack the energy to change this condition, they would rather not be reminded of it. Does this mean that, in their conversations with one another, they merely make reassuring sounds? It scarcely seems possible, and yet, on the other hand, it seems all too likely. Whatever they bring to one another, it is certainly not freedom from guilt. The guilt remains, more deeply rooted, more securely lodged, than the oldest of old trees; and it can be unutterably exhausting to deal with people who, with a really dazzling ingenuity, a tireless agility, are perpetually defending themselves against charges which one has not made. One does not have to make them. The record is there for all to read. It resounds all over the world. It might as well be written in the sky.”
James Baldwin
I cannot read this enough. It is emblazoned in my heart to be responsible for this history to be rewritten for the future, yet not ever forgotten. That is the only way to heal and honor the past.
Originally published at thatsjhiroll.blogspot.com on June 5, 2018.