My Voice
"Truth isn’t truth”. Rudy Giuliani
To everyone who has been drained by the energy vampires trying to exhaust you with arguments over the Kavanaugh appointment.
You may find you cannot engage with conservatives, period. They are taking an event that should be a turning point in our understanding of how women are treated, a moment we can all grow from and saying it doesn’t matter, it isn’t real. Or, at best, it might be real, but there’s no proof, so it’s just sad confusion, and…well..just boys being boys. Slap! Not going to let anything change, matter of fact, they’re going to reverse any progress. You feel defeated. They can smell your blood.
The past and the future could not be more at odds. Engagement is volatile. If you use logical points, any energy vampire knows how to manipulate and push buttons. They are rallying and using the same talking points. They will try to ridicule you for qualities they find weak. A laugh emoji is not an argument, but a tool to insight anger, so they can drain your blood.
They are energized because they were at a point where defending Trump was getting difficult. Now they have a new rallying call, and the energy vampires are coming out in droves, like cockroaches. Their favorite attack is emotion. Why?
We are at an unusual time in history, that I am thoroughly convinced, is the same experience citizens under extremist regimes have been through.
Because of this experience I find it imperative to study and find ways to understand and cope with what is before us.
I know more about how drained and confused the German populous must have been during Hitler’s time, and how the poor, starving populous of Russia in the early 20th century felt. We have an opportunity to really learn from a study of emotional thought and reaction during key times in history and change the outcome, hopefully, for the better. That is what historical study is about at the core.
We need to see that what is “just” in your heart is being mocked by those that are fighting for a past they believed was glorious because they benefited from it. That is a form of hoarding, greed. Who are they if you are telling them what they cherish was really a lie.
You will not change their minds, and at this point you shouldn’t try. Why? Because of motive. Because of their protectionism.
There’s a pattern. All of my conservative friends, family, and acquaintances disappear from discussions on social media when they feel outnumbered. Yet, when events like the Kavanaugh hearing results validate them, they return like they haven’t missed a beat. The hibernation is over and they’re seeking new blood sucking sources.
They are motivated by exhausting you. Liberals have ALWAYS had a “too nice” problem. Bullies, energy vampires breed off of this niceness. I’m not suggesting we all abandon niceties completely, I’m suggesting this isn’t a time to be all that nice. I know…shocking.
We who seek equality and justice in a cruel world are emotional for good reason. That rare quality is the most valuable resource a soul has. The vampires will use that to call you weak. Look at patterns, recognize diversion tactics, but most of all don’t feel you have to feed their blood sucking lust which is the hardest part.
Facts are mutable to them. So, no matter how hard you try, your spinning you wheels. They will stick to their talking points and ignore you pointing out logic, facts, or anything that clarifies what they want murky. Don’t waste yourself on people that are unreachable. They will say they just like debate. That’s a lie. I don’t like closing off doors, but sometimes other priorities are more important. How is your energy best spent? Mine will be seeking life as it should be, not as it is.
“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness To surrender dreams — -this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash. Too much sanity may be madness! And maddest of all — to see life as it is and not as it should be!” Miguel de Cervantes
There are rare times in life when Art meets life’s stark reality. I’m in the midst of performing in a show that crashes with current events. It’s about chivalry, honor, the harsh realities of life, gang rape and the subtleties of power and powerlessness, and mostly how women should be treated. It intersects with my own life experiences, and special people. It’s a tremendous rollercoaster that energizes and drains you beyond your capabilities at times.
When you realize you have been propelled into a belief system that has matured beyond what you have been able to tolerate in the past, that is tremendous growth. Events pile up on your back, string up a burden you struggle to manage, that is growth.
So, my hope is we are all capable of following our heart into the battle for our souls. We are able to know when to retreat to self care, and when we are desperately needed to step up, speak up, and not yield.
People are desperate for heroes. Maybe we are all being asked to be heroes. We are capable and strong with “emotional” integrity as our sword of penetrating light.
While the Kavanaugh nomination has brought out how distructive our current government is, it is a time to avoid Trumpian talking points that delude truth and stay focused on action.
Above all else, our beacon is the fact of how and why our Constitution was drafted, it’s flaws and strengths. What Democracy means. How we have been a country of popular vote electing officials that serve the MAJORITY populous regardless of their own personal biases. While history has shown us inept in many areas, the key has been our progression, our attempts to learn and grow.
That is NOT the government we have right now. That is not the minority Trump populous we have now. They care for nothing but self service.
To address this, left leaning and progressive voices have to be willing to be activist in small ways, and support those who can work in bigger ways. Our youth is a big part of this picture. We need to identify leaders, not “A” leader, that can work cohesively for the greater good of a large populous. None of these leaders will have everything to offer alone, but if a group works together as a wall serving the majority populous we cannot be stopped. Truth, honor, and nobility have never and will never be easy paths. We must chose this burden.
We already live in mild tyranny on it’s way to fascist totalitarian dictatorship. Those that will vote again for Trump are not interested in democracy. Why? They do not recognize THEIR “values” in the majority populous anymore. They would rather see the country burn to the ground than support progress that doesn’t line up with their white male role models of the past. They are an angry mob fighting to maintain their fear of change. Don’t attempt to use facts or logic with them. They are energy vampires.
Our President has the lowest popularity ever, our Republican leaders in the House and Senate do not serve their populous, nor do they care to listen. They fear town Hall meetings where they have to face the people they were elected to serve. They push through unpopular agendas to feed their addiction to power and money. This is NOT a democracy. We have been made vulnerable to this by greed on both sides, but clearly the difference is the left is seeing the mistakes. The right has no time to ever admit error, thus they do things in the darkness of night. They distract you with the Kavanaugh hearing and give another tax windfall to the rich, heaped on our already burdened backs. Laughing down at us while they mount a higher hill of soot and filth for us to drown under.
I will not yield……
Originally published at on October 8, 2018.