Tad Devine isn’t just connected to Bernie

Daniel Louis Duncan
3 min readJul 19, 2018

In everyone’s hast to divide the democrats and progressives, staunch middle of the road democrats are poncing on Bernie Sanders because of the new list out on Mueller’s extensive investigation, where the name of Tad Devine pops up quite a lot. Devine was Bernie Sanders senior advisor during the 2016 Presidental campaign. Let’s look at Tad Devine.

Mr. Devine has a long history in the democratic party as a senior advisor for the campaign of John Kerry 2004 and Al Gore 2000, and an aide to Michael Dukakis on his campaign. News reports will selectively focus on the Ukranian campaign of Viktor Yanukovych that Devine worked on with Manafort in 2010. Ukraine, not Russia, but news reporters know how to spin a tail with selective word usage that leads us down rabbit holes of assumptions. Yes, we are all guilty of falling for this to feed our anger. Devine working with Manafort is reason for concern because of the Mueller investigation into Manafort. But, should we make assumptions?

While this evidence is important, we again have democrats chomping at the bit to attack Bernie Sanders. He will have to address these new connections, but I doubt middle of the road democrats will care to listen. This juggular reaction will serve to decay any sense of unity within the left and middle of the democratic party regardless, and it’s sad. There will be a quick, continuing indictment of progressive ideas, that will squash a movement that is ripe to make sweeping changes in our country for the better. Many will suffer, such as the momentum of progressive women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cynthia Nixon in New York. Many democrats will not care when people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Crowley start their take back of the party into moneyed controlled, middle earth. They will encourage Hillary Clinton to try it again, which, right now would be a welcome change. But, let’s not mistake all this collusion for what was in the hearts of the Sanders movement across America that could not be denied. Let’s not forget the people who championed the progressive ideas that Hillary Clinton said were impossible, universal healthcare and $15 minimum wage. Let’s not forget that the Dakota Pipeline, that both Clinton and Obama, who both I admire, was a movement that was progressive and passionate, and they should have stood up with the protestors. They were silent. BUT, we are arguing apples and oranges when we talk about the current Republican President and Republican representatives.

I hope we can reserve the pitch forks for the real criminals before us right now who have control of our government and not get distracted by what if’s even before Mueller begins with his findings. Time will reveal the truth. Until then let’s keep our eyes on the prize and get people out of our government who have every intention of changing the rules to serve themselves above the country, and are willing to compromise our sovereignty. There is no doubt in my mind that Clinton, Obama, Bernie, Ocasio-Cortez, Nixon, Crowley, Feinstein, and Pelosi are well meaning patriots. I cannot say the same for anyone in the Republican party right now, and THAT is what we must focus on.



Daniel Louis Duncan
Daniel Louis Duncan

Written by Daniel Louis Duncan

Writer, researcher, lover of history, philosophy, politics and critical thought

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