Opinion Piece: Flake and the Republican Grandstand
While the confrontation with Senator Flake was powerful, we must not forget, IF this was a democrat who had been accused of the same charges as Brett Kavanaugh, they would have been gone long ago, reputation tarnished forever. Kavanaugh is outraged that the democrats DARE to attempt to do this to him. He doesn’t give a shit about poor Dr. Ford. Of course he doesn’t remember doing any of this. We all had brewskis…a lot of brewskis. She’s obviously confused and he is struggling not to walk over and pat her on the head. His cute daughter told him, she will pray for her. Sending our thoughts and prayers….
Gary Hart, Howard Dean, John Edwards…gone in the blink of an eye, not because of the Republican standard, which attacked these men, NO because they were democrats. Gary Hart and John Edwards had affairs. Howard Dean yelled too loudly. Bill Clinton had affairs and was on trial for Impeachment for far less than our current President is guilty of, but again the only difference is the game of political stupidity we all suffer under. Bipartisan is a word that has no meaning anymore. The word is used aggressively, accusing others of using it while wallowing in the filth of its very essence.
None of the affairs are acceptable behavior for high offices, but in reality they are distractions. We should not condone any of it. We should decide across the board and stop holding Democrats to a higher standard while Republicans pretend to have moral fiber, laughable, if we weren’t being strangled by it’s hypocrisy. Brett Kavanaugh is not on trial. Our democracy is, and women are still continually left out of the conversation. Who saved the day yesterday? A woman, a hispanic woman! Representing everyone that is left out of the conversations about how we run this country. Look at us! We have male domination in our government and they’re outraged we dare to attack their behavior.
Republican’s try to claim high moral ground, but I would argue time has shown they have NEVER had a moral ground, just a dog and pony show to dupe us into thinking they cared about anything except power. An invisibility cloak handed to them by Franklin Graham! We have seen the antithesis of their game reach a level of male ego that makes the earth shutter and choke from the hand covering her mouth.
THEIR morality presented careful, while they hide under that cloak of invisibility, allowing them to roam amongst us violating the core of our system of justice and equality. They laugh at us with their stale beer breath, revealing their lust for sexual conquest, hidden in their vulnerable reality of low self esteem.
The Republican Party has become an old male fraternity where they choose the women that can stand beside them, adoringly praising their steadfast heroes into battle against the feared enemy… “She’s attractive”. The old men, in control of this very important milestone hearing, are struggling to condemn a man who represents the behavior they have been guilty of mirroring. Right up to the attempted rape, they see their reflection in the Kavanaugh mirror. White America…Manifest Destiny….join our club where the order is preordained by the word of the Bible. We are humble servants of righteousness and purity….hurry, put on that cloak so we can hide.
This Republican Party today is a horrible stain on the parchment of our Constitution. They have shown us what they are capable of and it is shattering. The level of change is too great for these people to fathom. They must hunker down and fight showing no fear, while the little boy is frightened to death.
We are looking for adults with a willingness to admit error and change. But, humility is not in their dictionary. They have only shown us the lengths they will go to avoid humility, and the cost will be our country.
Originally published at thatsjhiroll.blogspot.com on September 29, 2018.