Setting Up our Revolution!
It’s 11:30pm on September 16, 2018 and I have to get up at 5:30am, but I have just read the Atlantic article “Hillary Clinton: American Democracy is in Crisis”written by Hillary Clinton.
This is groundbreaking for the best of reasons. I am constantly accused of not liking Hillary Clinton because I have consistently criticized her for not doing enough, not saying enough, not standing up enough. I have always had very high expectations of Hillary Clinton. She is and was in a position to be groundbreaking and she wasn’t quite ready for that on my time table. I was frustrated with her because she was mute when I wanted to know exactly how she felt, what she was going to do, and why she was so aligned with corporate money. I couldn’t support her until she met those expectations. We should get no less from a Presidential candidate.
I just witnessed the birth of the real Hillary Clinton and I see in this article the growth I had desperately wanted from her. I wrote to her on twitter, a few days after July 4thto say just how much we needed to have her step up and speak out. I was meet with harsh criticism for “attacking” her from her followers. I was not attacking her. I was frustrated that she was not living up to my expectations. I know…. who am I? Why should she answer to me? I’m America and I needed her strength and embrace.
I really, really think we need a woman to lead this country NOW! It sounds horrible sappy and spiritual, but the world is dying from a lack of a warm embrace. I don’t mean that in any gendered biased way, but men have given us enough anger and fear. We long for embrace as a breathing planet that’s immune system is dying, no more so than here in the United States of America.
Tonight, is monumental. Hillary Clinton has probably felt that she is no longer wanted, and what we were presented with, in the past, may have led us to that conclusion. Tonight, she showed her leadership, strength and finally her conviction. She has now made a presidential stand, with a list of grievances against our democracy, and she has a PLAN. This is who I desperately wanted to see. I know there are those that want to believe she was perfect before, but I will not yield on that. She was not, she was silent and conservative. This new Hillary is emboldened.
She will be hit from both sides, but most violently from the Trump camp. I know who these people are. They are the ones who don’t pay attention to anything, they don’t really care about anything. Anything! They have no knowledge of history or politics, yet have strong opinions, very few facts, and only care about the fight. The divisiveness gets them high, and they love practicing their bully behavior where it counts the most, where they can hide, on social media.
So, tonight is a pivotal movement from someone we have needed to take the reins and led this country. Trump may have needed to happen for us to get here. Trump may have needed to happen to Hillary Clinton for us to see what she is made of. And, oh…. tonight, she is magnificent.
I will follow this Hillary and I am a strong socialist. I’m for a strong worker’s party. I’m a socialist that believes in the principles of community lifting our brothers and sisters, so we can all walk together and share this difficult journey together, with dignity and hard work. There is no place for people that breed venom in this new path and they know it. We will falter, we will fail, but we will prevail. I think we need to stress our common goals and work on our differences.
But, now, we have to figure out how to annul this presidency. Yes, annul. It is possible and doable although there is no precedent. There was no precedent when those outnumbered, under supplied, green, patriots decided to make the leap to freedom against all odds. That was us and we can do it again. We’ll establish new morays, new amendments like our soon to be restored President Clinton has started to declare. This is new territory and I am excited at the possibilities before us. Let’s do this, shall we? If we are so emboldened, I have no doubt we will be cheered from the rafters of the world stage. Let’s not lose this opportunity. I fear this may be a dream……I hope this is the new Hillary Clinton.