Why a grassroots movement is as American as apple pie
Here’s the thing…..if you don’t believe that grassroots on the ground work (going around to communities and canvassing, holding town halls) will win in 2020, you’ve not been paying attention.
You probably will not see it represented on your TV, which is why Trump had a chance and won. The media made themselves vulnerable by the conflux (I know…I love that word, and sp. ck. tries so hard to deny me!) of entertainment news being the driving mechanism for reporting, and the loss of support for real journalism. This coincided with news programs being 24/7 in nature like CNN, which was an entity that stood unmatched previously, i.e. middle east conflict under George H. Bush. Quite frankly, what comes of this is having to fill so much time with news where they chose repetition and entertainment over quality. That was an easy choice because quality takes work, manpower, more reporters to pay, without the economic boost and ratings. We have under estimated the impact this has had on the populous trust, and the level of journalism as a whole.
The media has to come to terms with their conglomerate control of what gets to the public. This is one of the biggest obstacles we face that has been beyond totalitarian for a very long time. When news is predominantly propaganda, especially dangerous propaganda, we have an emergency. I read that….we have an EMERGENCY! But, what we can transform from that is an Emergence.
Grassroots movements, such as those nearly perfected by Bernie Sanders. I know…..both left and right leaning people have issues with him, which to this day I cannot quite understand, but that’s another story. Put that aside and ask what we can learn from the phenomenon. We are seeing, and maybe we have found ourselves here because we weren’t ready to quite see the writing on the wall, grassroots movements as the best answer for attacking the conservative regime that is Trumpland. The most important reason is why it will be effective.
I can guarantee you it is a method that conservatives will not attempt beyond rallying empty sound bites of fear and bigotry. Bottom line, they are afraid of public opinion. They are outnumbered. How many town halls have republicans had, or if they have had, have been successful? The larger the crowd, the more safe they feel. This is why grassroots will not work for them. This is why their only power is in division. This is their method and grassroots can stamp it out.
Support the grassroots movement, don’t be afraid of the people who want to equate this movement with Communism, Socialism, or Marxism. The movement has aspects of many movements, but ultimately it is an America Liberty movement bent on what, truly, this country was founded on equality and fairness. They were only partially successful. We have the opportunity to talk their fight and finish it. Our forefathers were very flawed, but they were also very educated through higher learning, but most importantly through meeting and dialog that met there own desire for service to what was best for the populous.
This is what we can learn from those we see as representative of America. Can you see Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, John Adams, George Washington, Thaddeus Stevens, Harriet Tubman, Tecumseh, Thomas Jefferson, etc. in the eyes of your passionate leaders? If you can’t, ask them why? If you can’t, ask yourself why you should support them? Find leaders who are passionate about American democracy for all. I truly think they are out there. I’m seeing several right now. Join me in the search for our future leaders. This is an EMERGENCE!
Let’s share on Facebook, Twitter, or any other readily available way, to get these aspiring representatives of America known and exposed to the populous. Trump has and will do everything to undermine our ability to organize. We have to find addition methods beyond organized rallied protests. They are important, but canvassing locally is just as important right now. Let’s not underestimate this going forward before it’s too late.
I promise to do my best to follow those I discover and share. I hope all of you will do the same. We have a tremendous opportunity before us to shape an America just like our early liberty fighters. Yes, it’s scary, but I chose to focus on the amazing possibility and fight like hell.
Originally published at thatsjhiroll.blogspot.com on July 2, 2018.